Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Harvest My Heart

"Harvest My Heart" has just been published by This is the third story of mine to appear at the hippest literary zine on the web, and one which I am a bit proud to see in print... so to speak.

I started this story in 2001, when I wrote the title and first 300 words one afternoon. Then I forgot I had written it until I found it one day while cleaning files off my computer. I couldn't remember where I was going with the story, but I thought it made an interest bit of flash fiction, so I sent it to Vestal Review, where it was rejected.

Since then, it has been rejected by Glimmertrain, The Pedestal, Raven Electrick, From the Asylum, and Bust Down the Door and Eat All the Chickens.

Each time it was rejected, I tweaked it a bit. The slush editor at Bust Down the Door and Eat All the Chickens, Michael Smith, worked with me a bit on the story, suggesting that I make it longer, for one thing, but in the end it was rejected for various reasons, including the fact that it didn't meet their 2,000 word minimum requirment.

So I sent it to Pindeldyboz. And waited. And waited. And about 4 months later, it was accepted for publication, and now it's published, so please go read it, and then write to editors and tell them that it's the Best Story Evah!

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