Friday, January 11, 2008

That Ain't No Hank Williams Song!

My story, "Not the Same Holiday Inn," has been accepted for publication in The Foliate Oak.

This story is a piece of flash fiction drawn from my unpublished novel, Some Day. It is the only scene from the pov of Tater Bud - a partially-deaf young man who is the youngest of the seven Nettle brothers and the only one of the seven with a job (at the hammer handle factory in Walnut Ridge).

In the story, he recalls his first and only love. He only loved once, but he loved completely.


polijn said...

Awesome. Did I give you the link for that place? I used to be a co-editor when I went to school there about five years ago...

Jeff Crook said...

I knew that, but no, I linked to it from Duotrope.

polijn said...

Cool. good to see they've finally got themselves up somewhere to link from. It took us forever to even get ourselves on search engines...